Distance Learning Providers: A Diverse Crowd

Online Learning Bubble

Gains in the types, volume, and legitimacy of online degree programs have been significantly measurable within the last few years, with no indication of slowdown. When the distance-learning pioneers first broke on the educational scene in the late 80s and early 90s, few took the programs seriously. Now it’s impossible to keep track of the number of distance learning environments being launched online, many as integral parts of elite college and university academic models.
Distance learning degree sources typically are either:
  • Online universities
  • Traditional colleges and universities
  • Specialty schools

Online Universities Pioneered Specializations and Adult Learning Paradigms

Online universities have struggled the hardest to earn legitimacy, and rightly so. The business of online degrees and diplomas has been marred by the ubiquity of degree counterfeiters and fake online colleges that go to great lengths to appear legit. However, in return for years of persistence and non-stop modifications, technological advances, and curriculum improvements, online universities now have overwhelming enrollment and dozens of degrees. In fact, there are plenty of higher educational sources that now report little difference in learning outcomes between online and traditional coursework.
Since online universities specialize in distance learning degrees, most have perfected the art of teaching for a primarily busy, adult audience. With this demographic comes slews of career-centric customers seeking targeted and relevant degrees and curriculums. The increased demand for micro-specialized degrees may be directly attributable to the modifications in educational paradigms made in the name
of adult learning. Professionals have asked for granular concentrations and post-degree professional certificates that deliver distilled doses of niche-specific courses.
Large and popular online universities, such as University of Phoenix, Kaplan University, and Drexel University Online, also have expanded financial aid opportunities. Not long ago online degrees were paid for with credit cards and that was that; there were few alternative aid options.

Traditional Colleges and Universities Lend Legitimacy to Online Degree Field

Traditional campuses have dabbled in virtual learning for decades. The first delivered courses via television to remote students. Only recently, though, have traditional schools rolled out robust and scalable online degree environments intended to emulate on-campus degrees and courses. And elite universities have not stayed behind. Harvard, Stanford, and Penn State all have equally impressive online distance learning environments that provide a wide variety of courses and degrees: seminars, professional certificates, undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate courses.
Programs may be fully online or available in a “blended” format. Blended degrees require participants to spend some part of their degree time on campus. Nursing degrees are typical—participants may be required to meet with faculty on site and complete skills-based courses and clinicals on campus. Universities make extensive efforts to design and deliver the same caliber of online degree as is available on-campus; their reputations rest on excellent academics, traditional or otherwise.

Specialty Schools Offer Career Courses and Programs

Art and culinary schools offer limited, but popular online courses. Curriculum is not as easily modified for virtual degrees, but students will, nevertheless find a few that are suitable. More often than not courses offered online, particularly in culinary disciplines, are either management programs or personal enrichment courses. Art schools with active graphics, gaming, and web design and development departments often do provide extensive online coursework.
With no sure end in sight for online degree development, the virtual educational world has no other option but to expand and exceed all expectations. High-quality distance learning might become the best educational environment of all.